Family Cyber Alert v4.34
Family Cyber Alert provides powerful recording, blocking, and report tools with extreme ease of use. With Family Cyber Alert, you will be able to SEE EXACTLY what your kids have been doing online and offline. Are you concerned about your children’s online activities? Do you feel you should keep a closer eye on what they are doing inCyber Space? The dangers that children face on the Internet are well documented, too often in the headline news. Parents recognize the need to better monitor their children’s online activity, but don’t have the time or the proper tools.Concerned parents are using Family Cyber Alert to keep a watchful eye on their children and monitor their PC/Internet activities. Family Cyber Alert will record everything your children do online.
- Email Recording
- Chat/Instant Messenger Recording
- Website Recording
- Application Recording
- File Access Recording
- Keystroke Recording
- Screen Snapshot Recording
- Time & Sequence Recording
- Automatic Email Alert
- Email/Chat/IM Blocking
- Website Blocking and Danger Alert
- Game/Application Danger Alert and Blocking
- Automatic Keyword Detection and Danger Alert
- Intelligent Reporting
- All the functions work simultaneously, saving the data to a hidden location.
- Works with Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista
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